Enrollment Procedures
Parents are invited to register their child for Nursery and School as early as possible. We believe it is important to develop partnerships between parents and school, so we welcome and encourage you to make an appointment to meet the Head teacher and have a tour and chat about our school as early as possible.
For a place in a states nursery you may apply to any school you wish and you will be asked by the school to complete a standard application form, available from school or download an application from:
You should complete only 1 form for your child even if you want to apply for more than one Nursery.
The allocation of places is made centrally by the Education Department and is based on the information you provide on your application. Your details are held at school and passed on to the Education Department at the beginning of the calendar year of the September intake – not all primary schools have nurseries. Places are not guaranteed.
If you have been successful in your application you will then be asked if you would like to purchase extra sessions over and above the 20 hours. You are able to buy either 1 hour extra per day, which means your child will stay for lunch, or 2 hours per day, which means your child will stay for the full Nursery day.
School applications should be made to the school in your catchment area – if you are not sure if you are in the Plat Douet catchment please ask the office staff at school or go to www.gov.je/Education/Schools for further information.
Registration needs to take place before 1st December in the year before your child is due to start reception class; application forms are available from school or the gov.je website. The school will write to you in the December the year before your child is due to start reception class, enclosing an admissions form. You can change your choice of school at this stage by indicating your preferred choice on this form. You must return the admissions form to your catchment school, even if this is not your first choice school, this is to ensure your child is registered for reception class the following September.
You will be notified of an offer by the Education Department of a reception place for your child in the proceeding March before starting in the September. The allocations for all non-fee paying primary schools are undertaken by the Education Department following set criteria, priority is given in the order detailed below, to pupils who:-
1. have siblings in the school.
2. are living in the catchment area.
3. have a special reason for wishing to attend a specific primary school.

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