About Us

Plat Douet Primary School was opened in 1968, and caters for boys and girls, aged 3-11 years of age. At present, there are approximately 440 children on roll. We have seventeen classrooms, a 3g pitch, a music room, a hall with fixed apparatus, a wildlife area and a pond. Plat Douet is set in pleasant grounds with a large field and an adventure play area.

Class teachers are responsible for the children’s welfare and delivery of the curriculum. Work is planned jointly, in Year Groups with close liaison, communication and support from our teaching assistant team. During planning, teachers share the preparation of work, drawing on different experiences, knowledge and expertise to ensure work is relevant and well matched to meet the needs of the children. In this way, we are able to utilise the strengths of a large staff team and enhance the quality of learning and teaching here at Plat Douet.

Butterfly Illustration
Butterfly Illustration
Butterfly Illustration
Girl Illustration
Boy Illustration